Logotipo ISASTUR
Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Prior Questions

2. Information, training and protection

Our workers are to receive periodic training in the matters contained in this Manual.

The ISASTUR Group is obliged to provide its workers with the necessary Personal Protective Equipment and also has the obligation to demand and oversee its use, correcting any divergences that may arise in this respect.

To illustrate this duty of the Firm, three sentences in this respect are partially reproduced next, two issued by the Spanish Supreme Court and another by the Central Labour Court:

  • “... it is the obligation of the Firm not only to place at the disposal of its employees orderly clothing, but also to oblige them to use them..., being responsible for said omission and for any damages that this may bring about”.
  • “... for the Firm to be exempt of responsibility, it would be necessary for it to have shown that it demanded that its workers use said personal protection measures”.
  • “... any person who takes on the execution of a task with responsibility over others in an overseeing and caretaking role has the obligation to know, fulfil and coactively and imperatively make fulfil and demand proper and exact  compliance with the cautions and preventions established by safety regulations”.

All our workers are provided with the following Personal Protective Equipment:

  • Safety Helmet.
  • Safety Boots.
  • Work Clothes: overalls, jacket, trousers, etc.
  • Safety Goggles.
  • Safety Gloves for mechanical jobs.

All workers have at their disposal fall-arrest harnesses, anchoring lines, dielectric gloves, anti-dust masks, ear protectors, welder’s gloves, visors and aprons, etc., which they are provided with on-site on the basis of existing risks.

Information, training and protection

Copyright © 2010 ISASTUR

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