Logotipo ISASTUR
Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Work on Electrical Installations and in premises presenting a fire or explosion hazard

Definitions and concepts:

20. Technical instructions

20.4. Signposting of the work area in high voltage substations and their accesses. Permits

Cordoning off the work area

Demarcation of the work area is to be carried out by means of beacons around the entire perimeter. Cones, fences, stakes, the actual structure of the HVS, etc., can be used to do so, in addition to red and white tape or chain. If tape is used, this has to be placed at 2 different distances.

Within the work area, 1 cone/beacon measuring 1 m in height is to placed with lettering on all its sides with the following legend: “work area”.

Signposted work area

Signposted work area

Work area entrance and exit

2 cones of 1m in height are to be placed at the entrance/exit to the work area (access gate to the work area). A chain is to be hung between these cones, from which a sign (with a box) is to be hung:

  • Seen from outside the work area: “work area + electrical hazard pictogram”.
  • Seen from inside the work area: “do not leave the work area unaccompanied by the Authorised or Qualified person (consult the Work Permit in the box) + electrical hazard pictogram”.

The corresponding work permit (green card) is to be deposited in the box hanging from the chain until work has been completed.

Work permit

The work permit must be signed by the ISASTUR Group Foremen or, failing that, by the Client’s Foreman in exceptional cases.

The Foreman in keeping with Spanish Royal Decree 614/2001 (a Qualified Worker) belonging to the ISASTUR Group or, in his absence, the Client’s Foreman in exceptional cases, is to give the pre-task talk.

Work permits are to be periodically updated (said frequency is to be established by the Foreman) as regards verifying that the area continues to be in the same Safety situation under which the task and/or working day was completed. Subsequent to this check, the permit is to be dated and signed.

Supervising jobs:

  • The Foreman is both the person who supervises the work and who constitutes the preventive resource figure.
  • If a different worker to the Foreman supervises work areas, he must be an Authorised/Qualified worker and a Preventive Resource figure, and is to sign the work permits as “Job Supervisor".

Copyright © 2010 ISASTUR

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