Logotipo ISASTUR
Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Manual Handling of Loads. Cable laying

2. Most common injuries

The most common injuries include:

  • Bruises.
  • Cuts.
  • Wounds.
  • Fractures.
  • Musculoskeletal injuries.

Injuries may be produced in any part of the body, but the most sensitive parts are the upper limbs and the back, especially the dorsolumbar region.

Dorsolumbar injuries may range from lumbago to alterations of the intervertebral disks (disk herniation) or even vertebral fractures due to strain.

The following injuries may also be produced: injuries of the upper limbs (shoulders, arms and hands), burns caused by high temperature loads, wounds or scratches produced by sharp corners, splintering of the load, rough surfaces, nails, etc., bruising due to the load falling because of slippery surfaces (the result of oil, grease or other substances), blood circulation problems or disk herniation, and other injuries caused by the spillage of hazardous substances.

Copyright © 2010 ISASTUR

Design & Programming Bittia