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Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Environmental Management


ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION Switch off unnecessary lights:
  • when you leave your post.
  • when rooms and toilets are not being used.
Use the energy-saving settings on your computer and switch it off at the end of the working day.
Use air conditioning responsibly.
Besides the energy that it consumes, it releases a series of gases that contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer.
PAPER CONSUMPTION Print responsibly
Establish two-sided printing as the default option on your computer.
Print and photocopy on both sides of paper to reduce paper consumption by a half and energy consumption by  25%.
Use paper already written on one side for drafts.
Deposit unusable paper in the recycling boxes situated next to printers.
Use 'soft' copies for working Use “soft” copies for working
Print documents and emails only when necessary.
WATER CONSUMPTION Evita el derroche de agua
Turn off the tap while you clean your teeth or soap your hands.
Make sure you turn off the taps before leaving the toilets or the cafeteria.
RECYCLING IN THE OFFICE  RECYCLING IN THE OFFICE Use the different bins available at your workplace to sort waste.

There are bins for paper, packaging, organic waste, batteries and toner cartridges in each office.
Lighting in offices can represent more than 50% of the electricity bill. Switching off lights when they are not needed is one of the most effective ways of saving energy.

Make good use of air conditioning, setting it at a suitable, healthy temperature (25ºC is recommended in the summer). A difference of more than 12ºC with respect to the outside temperature is not recommendable.

Heating should be kept at 20ºC. Each additional degree produces an increase in energy costs of between 6 and 8%.

Chargers can continue to consume up to 95% of energy even though there is no device, such as a mobile phone, connected to them.

Each person in Spain consumes 170 kg of paper per year. Paper which, if made from raw pulp, has needed 14 trees in its manufacture (around 12 years of growth), has consumed 15m3 of water and 9,600 kWh of electricity, and has generated 1,500 kg of waste per ton of paper.

One ton of recycled paper would need 1,300 kg of used paper (trees do not need to be cut down), would consume half the water (around 8m3), less than a third of the electricity (3,600 kWh) and would generate 15 times less waste (around 100 kg).

Excessive use of air conditioning in the car can suppose a 20% increase in fuel consumption.

When driving at fast speeds, a 20% increase in speed supposes a 44% increase in fuel consumption.

Copyright © 2010 ISASTUR

Design & Programming Bittia