Safety Manual. Revised Edition 2010

Revised Edition 2010

Organization and Management of Occupational Risk Prevention

4. Risk Prevention Organisation

4.1. Organisational mode

Within the possible modes of organising Risk Prevention permitted by current legislation depending on the activity of the firm and on the number of employees, the ISASTUR Group has chosen to constitute a Common Risk Prevention Service that assumes the specialities of Safety at Work, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology, while the speciality of Medicine at Work and some specific risk assessments (periodic hygiene measurements, psychosocial studies, etc.) are occasionally outsourced to accredited bodies.

4.2. Structure

In compliance with Spanish Law 31/1995, on Occupational Risk Prevention, and with Spanish Law 54/2003, amending the regulatory framework, the organisational structure is made up of:

  • Management: composed of General Management and Heads of Division.
  • Middle Management: any person belonging to the firm under whose orders or supervision others carry out their work.
  • Workers: staff who carry out the jobs undertaken by the firm under the orders of another person.
  • Risk Prevention/Staff Representatives: staff representatives with specific functions in matters of risk prevention. These are designated via legally established procedures.
  • Health and Safety Committee: made up of the Risk Prevention Representatives and Management and/or the Firm’s representatives, as defined in the L.P.R.L.
  • Business Units Risk Prevention and Prevention Techniques Service: risk prevention specialists providing support and consultancy functions to all levels of the ISASTUR Group in the design, implantation and monitoring of Risk Prevention and Health Protection programmes.

4.3. Functions and responsibilities

We start out from the principle that Occupational Risk Prevention is a right and an inescapable obligation of all members of the Firm. The functions and responsibilities of each of the figures in the organisational hierarchy in questions of risk prevention are defined and developed on the basis of this principle:

4.3.1. Of Management

General functions:

  • To plan, organise, manage and control risk prevention activities in the Group of Companies, the operational management of which it delegates in the different persons with responsibility in the Organisation.
  • To foster the active participation in risk prevention of all staff, while respecting their right to information, participation and consultation.
  • To foster the development of the mandatory actions included in the Risk Prevention Management System.
  • To guarantee the Health and Safety of all workers in their charge via the adoption of all the necessary measures for their protection, and especially that of those who, due to their characteristics or status, are especially vulnerable to occupational hazards.

Principles that regulate their actions:

  • The application of the principles of preventive actions established by the L.P.R.L. (Article 15).
  • Compliance with current regulations.
  • The development of permanent action aimed at perfecting and improving existing risk protection and working conditions.
  • Management is ultimately responsible for the collection of preventive actions undertaken in the Company Group.

Specific functions:

  • To ensure that the preventive activities included in established programmes and the action principles gathered in the present Manual are carried out in the Company Group.
  • To facilitate the means for and collaborate in the organising of training and informative activities related to safety programmes and plans, both those aimed at workers and at management, so as to enable them to carry out the preventive activities that they are entrusted with.
  • To monitor the development of the collection of preventive activities, participating, when thus stipulated, in those that correspond to them and adopting the necessary corrective measures when divergences are produced with respect to planned objectives.
  • To participate in the drawing up and approval of the preventive programmes that are designed, as well as in the planning of the measures included in these.
  • To place at the disposal of the organisation the human and technical resources needed to carry out the activities included in risk prevention programmes, including a suitable policy for the design of facilities and the purchasing of products and equipment.
  • To approve the Health and Safety Regulations that are established, demanding the fulfilment of any such regulations.
  • To guarantee health surveillance, the adoption of emergency measures and all those actions that need to be applied because of business activities.

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